Bullet Proof Shoulder – Arm care for middle school baseball and softball players

Join Logan Deroin, a Doctor of Physical Therapy with specialized residency training in working with overhead athletes, for our comprehensive class tailored for middle school athletes. Designed to prevent common overuse injuries and enhance performance, this program offers expert guidance, injury prevention strategies, and targeted exercises for optimal strength and flexibility to keep your athlete on the diamond.

Mondays and Wednesdays 11:30 am -12:30 am

This class caps at 12 athletes – sign up now!

This Class is from June 3rd to Aug 2nd ( 9 weeks).  We encourage those able to sign up and pay for the whole summer at a discounted price of $180. Otherwise 2 monthly payments of $100 for June and July


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Looking to make an appointment at Rock & Armor?
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Meridian Clinic

Boise/Garden City Clinic

Nampa Clinic

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